Fashion Turntable
The project
As a part of their final year project UTS fashion students are required to make 5 garments. This includes making their own materials and textiles for the garments and then showcasing them on a runway.
All textiles were scanned as well as the garment itself. The fashion garment was placed on a mannequin and then 300 photographs were taken from different angles around the garment.
This project was made possible through the construction of a 3D camera rig, comprising left and right side cameras to create a stereo image. The Data Arena team made an excursion to Bunnings (a local hardware store) and bought garden hoses and shopping trolley wheels which were used to construct the rig.
The garden hoses were placed in concentric circles on the ground and used as guide rails for the wheels which were attached to the camera rig. The rig was used to photograph the dress and the pictures were stitched together on a computer using photogrammetry software.